Saturday, May 20, 2017

Razorback Candy Wooooooooo-PIG-Soooooooieeee!

My dad was a HUGE Arkansas Razorback fan. One of my cousins even scattered some of his ashes on the field of Reynolds Razorback Stadium where the players run out. Unless that's not legal, in which case what cousin?
One of his favorite football snacks was Razorback Candy. Simple to make, and an instant favorite, it quickly became my standard pot-luck offering for monthly bible study brunches.

1 package bacon
1 package 'lil smokies sausage
Brown sugar


Slice bacon into thirds.

Wrap a sausage with a piece of the bacon and place in a lightly sprayed baking dish. Continue wrapping until you've finished all the bacon.

Cover the bacon-wrapped sausages with brown sugar. I've never measured the brown sugar, I just use enough to cover the sausages.

Cover and bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes. Uncover and baste with the juices.

Bake uncovered for an additional 10-15 minutes.  Cool the candy on wax paper or parchment paper. You'll want to soak that baking dish in some hot, soapy water for a while as you cool the candy.

Once cooled, plate as desired. I like to put toothpicks in mine for easy sharing.

You won't be able to eat just one! This is a perfect dish to bring to a brunch because it's unlike any of the usual dishes. But of course you can take it to a football party, especially if the Razorbacks are playing!
Wooooooo Pig Soooooooieee!

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